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residents to enjoy streamlined transfer services between hangzhou and shaoxing subways

ehangzhou.gov.cn| updated: august 7, 2020


hangzhou metro line 5 links with shaoxing metro line 1 at guniangqiao station. [photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

residents will now be able to enjoy streamlined transfer services when taking the hangzhou-shaoxing subway, according to a cooperation deal signed by the rail transit groups of both cities on aug 4.

an integrated management system will be applied to the subway linking the two cities, enabling residents to travel between the two cities without needing to buy extra tickets or pass through turnstiles for subway transfer.

the signing of the cooperation deal is a result of joint efforts by many government departments from the two cities since 2017, including the transportation, public security, urban management, social security, and financing departments.

the guniangqiao subway station is where hangzhou metro line 5 will connect with shaoxing metro line 1. it is currently still under construction.

if residents living in the hangzhou future sci-tech city want to travel to the jianhu lake scenic area in shaoxing, they can take metro line 5 to guniangqiao station and then transfer to shaoxing metro line 1 to jianghu lake station without having to leave the subway station.


residents will be able to enjoy streamlined transfer services on the hangzhou-shaoxing metro line, which comprises of metro line 5 in hangzhou and metro line 1 in shaoxing [photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

similarly, if shaoxing residents want to travel to the west lake scenic area, they can take metro line 1 and transfer to metro line 5 in hangzhou at guniangqiao station.

shaoxing metro line 1 has 10 stations with a designed speed of 120 kilometers per hour. it starts at diyang road station in keqiao district, shaoxing and ends at guniangqiao station in xiaoshan district, hangzhou. it has a total length of 20 kilometers.

the entire trip on shaoxing metro line 1 takes 25 minutes. construction on shaoxing metro line 1 is expected to be completed before july 2021.
