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intl parcels go through stricter disinfection in china

www.ehangzhou.gov.cn| updated: march 17, 2022


international parcels are left to sit for seven days at the hangzhou post international mail processing center. [photo/zjol.com.cn]

people's concerns about receiving international packages have continued to grow in recent days as many domestic cities have reported positive nucleic acid test results on such parcels.

zhou chao, chief operator of the hangzhou post international mail processing center, was recently interviewed by zhejiang daily and his answer may help relieve people's anxiety.

zhou said that before arriving at the hangzhou center, the international parcels have already gone through two rounds of disinfection and been left to sit for two days at transfer centers in beijing, shanghai or guangzhou.

trucks arriving at the hangzhou center will immediately be disinfected and the packages will be delivered to the assembly line for spray disinfection. staff members will ensure that all six sides of each package are disinfected.

"the packages will then be left to sit for seven days for quarantine until the chemicals volatilize completely," zhou said.

he said that the center currently handles an average of 1,600 international packages every day. disinfection will also be carried out at the center every morning and evening to prevent anything from being missed.

"the parcels will be disinfected once again by deliverymen, but i also suggest consumers open the parcels while wearing face masks and gloves and disinfect the goods inside themselves," zhou added.


the disinfection line at the center. [photo/zjol.com.cn]
