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world cultural heritage main event held at liangzhu site for first time

www.ehangzhou.gov.cn| updated: april 18, 2024


the opening ceremony. [photo/tidenews.com.cn]

the 2024 world cultural heritage event of the international day for monuments and sites took place at the archaeological ruins city of liangzhu in hangzhou on april 18.

this marks the first time that the event has been held in liangzhu, a world cultural heritage site.

established by unesco during its 22nd general conference in 1983, april 18 is recognized as international day for monuments and sites to raise awareness of the diversity of cultural heritage worldwide and the importance of heritage preservation.


the special committee is unveiled. [photo/wechat account: yhqxwb]

during the opening ceremony, the archaeological heritage management special committee of the chinese association for the protection of antiquities was unveiled. xu tianjin, director of the liangzhu museum, will serve as the chairman of the special committee, with the secretariat located in liangzhu.

the special committee aims to deepen collaboration in the field of archaeological heritage, gathering experts, scholars, heritage site managers, and conservation service providers. it is dedicated to fostering industry consensus, strengthening research, and balancing supply and demand to promote the scientific management and sustainable development of archaeological heritage.


a corner of the archaeological ruins city of liangzhu. [photo/wechat account: liangzhugcyz]
