火星体育> marriage

marriage registration available again in hangzhou

ehangzhou.gov.cn| updated: february 27, 2020

marriage registration departments in hangzhou have been slowly resuming operations since feb 24, after a lengthy break caused by the coronavirus outbreak, according to a notice recently released by the hangzhou civil affairs bureau.

according to the notice, residents must make an appointment for marriage or divorce registration via phone or wechat at least one or two days in advance. this will allow registration departments to make the proper arrangements and avoid lines or crowds.

workers will contact those with appointments via fax, qq, wechat, or e-mail to preview documents and decrease the amount of time people need to spend at the marriage registration office.

the notice states anybody coming to register must wear a mask and present their health code before entering the registration office. only those who hold a green code will be allowed to enter, and those with fever are advised to delay their registration.

however, the hangzhou civil affairs bureau advises residents to avoid marriage registration entirely during the outbreak.

the contact information for hangzhou marriage registration departments available during the outbreak is listed below:

