火星体育> silk

  • pingyao sericulture museum

    pingyao sericulture museum

    the sericulture museum on pingyao ancient street embodies the local sericulture history that dates back over 5,000 years.

    may 28, 2020

  • overseas students sample chinese silk culture in hangzhou

    overseas students sample chinese silk culture in hangzhou

    a group of foreign students from the yenching academy of peking university visited the wensli group, one of china's largest silk-producing companies in hangzhou, zhejiang province,on jan 10 to see for themselves the delights of chinese silk.

    january 14, 2019

  • in 10 volumes, 5,000 years of pure silk

    a four-year-long national project has produced a magisterial work that celebrates a great heritage, mei jia reports.

    september 3, 2018

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